It has a feature called Styles wherein you can change the design and overall feel of your site. The site editor is where you create, edit, and publish your site. Simply log in to Strikingly’s editor and head straight to work. Armed with this knowledge, we at Strikingly have come up with ways in which you, as a fashion designer, can take that creativity even when designing a website. We know how creative the world of fashion design can be.

Your ally? A great web-builder that will not only take your designs online but also take them to the next level. Your weapon of choice? A fashion designer website. To start, if you don’t have a fashion designer portfolio yet, it might be best to not waste any time and make one today. And since it’s still COVID-19 season and we want to be safe indoors as much as possible, the trend is to take the profession of being a fashion designer online. If you want to be the next Coco Chanel, even a worldwide disease shouldn’t stop you from getting in the grind and pursuing your dreams.

The pandemic has affected a lot of industries and professions, and fashion designers are one of them. Not to mention, a great portfolio to back you up. You may think that the world of fashion design is all glitz and glamor, but didn’t you know that aside from talent, it is hard work as well? To be the best in any endeavor, you must aim to have the heart and the hustle.